You have purchased a beautiful scarf from Désjà Vu....congratulations!

Here are some tips to keep the scarf beautiful.

    Hang me out for a night after wearing it so I can get a breath of fresh air and keep smelling good. And the next day you can wear me nice and fresh again,

    If you don't want me for a few days please keep me in the original box. There I will wait for you with anguish until you want to carry me again.

    Never lay me in the sun for too long then I'll discolor in the sun just like you,
    In the rain I don't feel comfortable then I'm afraid my make up will run out. I prefer to stay dry,
    any liquid can damage me so please be careful and if you're doing that, just to be on the safe side, get rid of me.

    If there is a stain on me, do not wash me in the washing machine and take me to the dry cleaner they know how I will look beautiful again.

    With scarf clips, rings and brooches I get holes and fetches ... and that hurts.

    The last thing is most important: Wear me with a smile from ear to ear then I keep shining.  

Made with love by Désjà Vu!

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